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A state within state:The Balochistan story

Nikhil Pant

In the eve of Independence, when the whole India and Pakistan were celebrating freedom. Some Km's away from Karachi emerged a whiff of discontent. Those people were known to be Balooch, revolting for an autonomous state, Balochistan.

The instrument of Accession, March 1948.

7 months of revolt from the people of Balochistan for a free state has gone unheard. Finally, in March 1948, the four states of Balochistan i.e Makran, Kharan, Las Bela and Khanate of Kalat decides to emerge with Pakistan. As soon as Balochistan acceded to Pakistan against the will of thousands of civilians, an armed militia stood up for the cause, till today they revolt.

The Importance of Balochistan


The most important factor is the area of Balochistan. It covers 44% area of Pakistan, mostly deserts and mountains. It's capital Quetta, is the most populated area.

Another important factor is the location of Balochistan, which shares its region with Afghanistan and Iran. Which makes Balochistan a very important geographical region for Pakistan.


Minerals and Natural Gas

Baluchistan is gifted with an enormous amount of Minerals and Natural gas. Which supports Pakistan's economic growth immensely. Apart from that Baluchistan has been a hub for foreign projects like CPEC and Gwadar port by China and Iran. Pakistan gas pipeline. Apart from this,Baluchistan carries a lot of importance both Geographically and Economically for Pakistan.

Causes of Insurgency

Lack of Development

Although Baluchistan covers 44% area of Pakistan, it just consists of 5% population of Pakistan, mostly tribal. From last 70 years, people of Baluchistan complain about being neglected from Pakistan's policies. Very little development has been seen in Baluchistan, which has caused huge unemployment and Poverty. Living conditions in Baluchistan are very poor till date. A region with such rich resources and geographical influence faces Impoverishment and deprivation.

Kidnapping and Assassination of Baluchistan Leader

Pakistan's government and ISI have been accused of undertaking assassination against Baloch leaders. A famous example of a Baloch leader being assassinated by Pakistan's army is one of Akbar Bugti in 2006. Which evoked the feeling of vengeance in the mind of Baloch people against Pakistan, and resulted in violence only to kill 40 armed fighters and 25 soldiers of Pakistan Army.

Human Rights Violation

Pakistan has also been accused of violating Human Rights against Balooch Civilians. As a result of this, many small revolts have started by many individual groups. They entire year, these revolts keep on happening because of which there is an ongoing disturbance over the Balochistan region.

India's Involvement in the Balochistan Issue

Narendra Modi is the first Prime minister to bring Balochistan issue upfront. During his 2016 Independence Day speech, he spoke boldly about him supporting the movement of Baloch people. He got immense appreciation from Baloch Republic party leader Brahumdagh Bhukti on taking Balochistan issue to International recognition.

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